Friday, November 28, 2008


As many know, I am Director of Jr High Ministries at a local church in Wheaton, Illinois. Like many ministry leads (I know not all), I believe that I have the greatest group of volunteers.
Unlike many youth leaders, I love having adult volunteers on my team, who for the most part are all 10 years older than I am. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to work with a few college age volunteers, as well, because they help bring balance and often students are drawn to them very quickly.
This brings me to say that I have the best volunteer staff that I could ask for. They consist of those who can (and enjoy) teach, play guitar, sing, come up with creative games, artists, generious with time and resources, and are just consistent at showing up. Many of them have also served as elders and teachers in many different ministries. This is a great group who want to love upon jr high students and see them grow in Christ.
For me this has led to some tension in how I approach the ministry. With a team like this I would think to find a ministry of 50 plus students; however, we hoover between 12-20.
I often find myself strategizing about creating structures for the ministry that will sustain a much larger group than we have. It is my desire to see more students. I want to see more students loved upon by this great team and more students being exposed to God's Word. I believe that God's Word is powerful and accomplishes what it desires. Therefore, bring on the students. The group remains.
So what is God trying to teach me? I believe that He is trying to teach me to simply love the students that He has given me. To be faithful to that body of students. 1 Corinthians 4:2 states, "that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
Yes, I can plan for the possibilities of more ministry and I am convinced that I should. But this should not be what I focus on. My trust is those students that have been given and I must prove faithful to them first. I know that my team would love to see more students, as well, but I must first prove faithfull to love those who we see on Sundays and Wednesdays.
It is my prayer and longing to prove faithful in the ministry that I have been given.

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